Tuesday, 27 May 2014

The Vampire Diaries | Season 5 'Home' Finale Review

Oh my goodness gracious, I am suffering from major depression from the season 5 finale of The Vampire Diaries (if you haven't seen it yet I wouldn't read this, major spoiler alert) TVD what are you doing to me, my heart feels like it's been shattered into a million pieces. 
The whole episode was an emotional roller coaster for me and I found myself reaching for the tissues more than once, let's just get it out there and mention the topic of this post, are Damon and Bonnie really dead? I am hoping and praying that they're not for my hearts sake, especially Damon, Damon has always been and always will be my favourite character of the whole show and because of his popularity would Julie Plec and the producers really kill him off? The fact that you don't actually see where Damon and Bonnie went is a complete mystery and made me pinch myself because I have to wait until October to find out, did they even get taken away in the white light, we don't know for sure which is what is really bugging me.
I'm optimistic though and I have hope, there were subtle hints throughout the whole episode which make me think 'yeah they'll be alright' for instance Grams told bonnie that she had looked out for her basically saying Bonnie will be okay so there's our first piece of evidence, secondly they make a big deal about Damon promising Elena that he'll come back for her and when has Damon ever broken a promise to Elena unless he has no choice, the producers wouldn't have made such a big deal of Damon promising this to Elena unless it had some meaning behind it, I don't know, is that just me being overly optimistic? 
We know for sure that Damon and Bonnie are going to be in season 6 because both Kat and Ian are contracted for it however we don't know in what form they'll be back, I hope to God it's not in the form of flashbacks because TVD are famous for that, I just feel Damon especially is too much of a good character to just be used in the form of a flashback. I feel there's so much unsaid as well between Elena and Damon whether this is just because I'm team Damon all the way but I really believe Damon deserves everything he wants as Stefan said in this episode that Damon was finally 'happy' 'he should be here' us fans got 3 full series of Stelena action, we've hardly got any proper Delena action, I want more from them. I truly believe they have a real strong chemistry which is exciting to watch, I'd get bored without them being together and lets face it how good would a Damon and Elena reunion scene be in season 6 after ages of Elena thinking Damon was gone forever oh my god, we can dream can't we? Of course I'd watch it still but I don't think I'll be as in to it without Damon, it won't be the same. They have to bring them back right I mean the penultimate episode we saw Stefan have his heart ripped out right in front of us and he still came back, I believe anything is possible for the producers of this show. 
Okay, let's take ourselves away from the negatives and maybes and look at some of the positive things that came out of this episode and other things that are going to need explaining. Firstly, Alaric is back *yay* I always loved Alaric (although what I loved most was the bromance between him and Damon and without Damon...well there's no bromance) I have read though that Alaric is not the same any more, he died an original vampire so he's going to have to come to terms with that so that's definitely something that needs exploring in season 6? Also are we forgetting that the whole of Mystic Falls has just been blown up from operation kaboom??!!??? where's everyone going to live so that's going to create a different dimension in season 6 they're going to be in a complete different setting unless the time gap between series 5 and series 6 is actually a long period of time in which they 'restored' Mystic Falls. However I think it'd be much more interesting if it wasn't having the characters in a place we're not so used to them being.  I'm not too sure how I feel about Enzo being back he's probably got a lot of unfinished business that we'll for sure get to see. Lastly I want to talk about Caroline, she has the potential of being with three different guys now, firstly Tyler is back (and may I point out he is no longer a hybrid) WTF MOMENT, then we have Enzo because there was definitely some form of chemistry between them both and lastly Stefan, come on it's obvious there is something there between them too, or should they just stay best friends? There's is another relationship I'm kind of sitting on the fence about, they definitely have something but I love them as friends they're like a mirror to Stefan's relationship with Lexi and that's what I love about them too, I kind of want Stefan to meet someone completely new and fall in love with her all over again like he did when he first met Elena, or maybe Katherine comes back and she's the one for Stefan because after all dopplegangers are destined to be together just maybe it was Katherine destined to be with Stefan and not Elena? but we saw Katherine being dragged into darkness but I still don't believe that's the last we're going to see of her. 
I hope you liked this review, I'd like to do a lot more reviews on here because I love writing about things I'm passionate about. 
Do you think Damon and Bonnie are gone forever? Or do you think they'll be back? 
Love ya all, 

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